Friday, April 18, 2014

Semana Santa...Familia es Todo

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of me on the beach. The response was something like ..."where is everyone?". Yes, for much of our stay in Mexico, we have long stretches of beach with only the occasional Canadian, the rare American and the ever present beach vendors. This week is different because it is Holy Week or Semana Santa.  Picture our Spring Break on steroids! The beach vendors are here, the bando's,(bands) compete for attention, the families set up day camp, the young beauties dance the Samba in the sand and the few Americans or Canadians brave enough to stay sit on the walls of hotels and take it all in....yes, we might be living life through their eyes for just a short period of time, but there are some lessons to learn also.

Beer flows with furious velocity, sand is kicked on blankets so close they cover the beach, umbrellas tangle with each other, food is shared, giggling children are watched by all, and in all this chaos nee
A fight takes other words...."Vive y déjà Vivir" and let live. 
Today, as we walked back from breakfast, we wove our way through children and umbrellas, vendors selling fruit and cherviche, parasails flying above us and a mass of humanity, and through all this madness came the true reason for this holiday.  Marching in a quite line, singing softly and carrying crosses came the patrons of the holiday. We have followed them in the past, watched them place the crosses in the rocky point and sat in reverence as they carried through their ritual.

On this Good Friday we see such contrast on the beach and in town, but through it all we see respect. Respect for the religion of others, respect for the way each individual chooses to celebrate and respect for the family.

In a few days it will all be over. Families will head home, memories will be tucked away, jobs will commence and children will return to school, but with such joy in their hearts.

As we walk the beach , our last week in Mazatlan, we will be reminded of many things, especially the giggles of the children, but mostly we will remember two things:
               Vive y déjà and let live

                Familia es Todo is everything

Not bad thoughts to live by.....

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Artist are different...yes,,they are...

I began to seek my artistic abilities while living in England. Years had passed since I had "pen in hand" , so to speak, and besides I was bored out of my mind.  I had left two businesses and needed a challenge. I decided to stretch myself and talents and try to hone a talent I had long admired. What better place to pursue a "certificate" in watercolor, but England...the birthplace of some of the greatest watercolor artist.

My first instructor was a beautiful and talented lady that went from instructor to friend.....she was amazing and I loved her. I left shortly after I finished the program , but she was instrumental in making sure that all my work was presented to the board and that I received my certificate. Her style was flowing and soft, but she gathered punch by accentuating with dark.  We work set on wet and I will always remember her saying....."I feel a need for more water".  I carry with me many of her words and style in my work.

Today I took a class here in Mazatlan from an entirely different style of artist. Her technique is more dry and had to work hard not to spread my color with just a touch more water.

Many teachers have come my way and I know that I have forgotten much of what they have shared, but I always walk away with a new bit of knowledge and a new technique to reach the end product....a piece of work that is my own.

I thank them all for sharing their knowledge, their work, their talent and mostly their time.

Today's work is another Mazatlan scene...the Pacifico building.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Yes, I do paint here.....ummmm, see

Recently a "blog reader" ask me to share some of my own work on the blog.   I laughed....
"what do you do in Mexico", a frequent question....followed by, "You must paint a lot"....ummm

Each year I diligently pack my supplies and vow that this will be the year that I am far...not so much, but I vow to do more. Well, after all, I am pretty busy here.....why just look at the photo's I post.

There comes the day when I settle in and pull the paints out and get to work and when I do, I am heavily influenced by my surroundings.

I love the tattered walls with their multi layers of colors; the narrow sidewalks with trees jutting from street and walkway; the vines that seem to stream from nowhere.

Everywhere I look is an inspiration; some I can capture and others remain illusive, but such is the beauty of art..

The piece I am working on is a street in El Centro that I have walked many times, and yes, the tree is in the street. Perhaps it was once a courtyard?

Am I finished with this....just not sure yet....time will tell.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

February,First Friday Art Walk.....


It is always a treat to watch the sun set in Mazatlan. For the most part we get cloudless, blue skies so often we get the chance to watch the "green flash".  Locals and tourist alike perch on seawalls, gather in cafe's or just stop on the Malacon,  to watch another day laid to rest. Applause and cheers often follow the setting sun.......I wonder if we are thanking the Gods for another beautiful day or just for making it through another matter, it is always a joy.

First Friday Art Walk in El Centro (old Mazatlan), is always an adventure, but sometimes we get an unexpected treat. Last night ,as we watched the setting sun, we heard fireworks off in the distance...not a particular odd occurrence here.....but as they came closer, they began to battle for our attention. Music was blaring, horns were tooting, crackers are popping and beautiful senorita's came rolling by on all matter of transportation. .....candidates for Mardi Gras waved from Pulmania's to Arriga's while energetic youth danced in the streets to Bando music. Ah, the beginning of Mardi Gras.  (you will get more on this later)

Many Gringa's and Grigo's have moved to Mazatlan, brought their amazing artistic talents as well as their ability to restore some of the incredible homes in old town.   We feel honored to be able to stroll through their homes/studios , chat with the artist, drink wine and become a part of this amazing community. One of my favorite homes is that of David and Nan Robb. They moved here from Arizona, bought a home, renovated it and never looked back.  Their art is astounding and their home is amazing. I can just see myself taking a dip in the pool after a hard day of painting.....sigh....
As the sunsets, the streets get dark, the art lovers, (full of free wine), stroll the streets, chat about the art and homes, and look forward to another magical night in paradise.......I never miss a one.

I leave you with one more shot of a favorite studio and the atrium that beckons me to sit and enjoy a evening of the music of the frogs and maybe a little Sangria.

Monday, January 27, 2014

I awoke this morning to this amazing picture courtesy of my beautiful friend Isabel. She lives in Spain and is in Peru on vacation.
I would love to take credit for this shot, but ,alas, I must give credit where due.
The Serape's  wrapped on the fence give dimension and color to an amazing pastoral scene.
Monochromatic shots and paintings can loose their intrigued, but the snap of color in the shot
Created a scene that is mesmerizing.
Each time I look at it I see something new and have the urge to step out of time into this scene.
Of course, art is subjective, but in keeping with the heart beat of this blog, I hope to share many ways to look at the world.
Thank you Isabel for letting me use this picture.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Putt..putt..toot, it 1972?  Walking around Mazatlan can make you feel like you have stepped through a loop in time. Grab a beer, take a walk on the beach and listen to the rock and roll emanating from the beach bars. Peek inside and you might see a gang of grey haired rockers strumming to the beat of their youth or perhaps a youngster or two playing back into time. Nonetheless the music plays on and the aarp gang bounces along with boundless energy.

My favorite step back in time is the old Volkswagen beetles that line the streets . They chug along to the rattle of the cobblestones and the strain of the engines and bring back strong memories of the seventies.  The best part though is the kaleidoscope of colors they create. Maybe one sees the original red body, but a new fender from the junk yard and hood from one of uncle Che's no longer running ,but still useful old bugs.  Don't bother with repainting or making it works fine as is and lends just one more touch of art to the streets of Mazatlan . Perhaps the best part is the nostalgia it brings to all us old rockers .....hanging ten or loosing ourselves to the beach music, or maybe just cruising around in that beetle, breeze flowing through the hair, music blaring from the radio and ,perhaps , headed to a beach bar.  What was I thinking having mine be all the same color?  Oh the art to be had....if only I knew.

Monday, January 13, 2014

slowing down...

Entering a third world country is like having a plunge in a cold lake in the middle of winter......the force shocks your senses and existence, and makes you yearn for the warmth of familiar arms.

I sit surrounded by buildings so white that they make your eyes hurt; skies so blue that you swear you could see your reflection; palm trees that make you sway to their movement in the breeze, but also I feel like I am drowning in a sea of frustration.  Nothing works as it should and nothing is fixed in a timely manner........mananna amaiga, could mean next Tuesday or behind. How does a women with a wound up get it done now personality cope?  Learning patience.....a virtue I have little of!!!

Slowly I learn to dance to the rhythm of their music......slow the heart beat.....hips learn to move at a different pace...mind unfurls in is not easy, but is paradise a reward that ask nothing in return?  I take a deep breath and look up at the sky and head to the beach.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just meandering down the road like a couple of turtles....slow, but sure.  Spent a couple days with my 90 year old aunt.  What an inspiration for all of us......she runs circles around me and, those that know me well, know that is not an easy task. At ninety she is sharp as a tack, looks like a model and plays golf.  I hang around her hoping for some of her energy.  Her eye for fashion and decoration is beyond reproach. She has traveled the world and can share stories until you slide off the sofa from shear exhaustion!!!!  She lives  in a golf community and as I was walking the other try to loose this storeroom of cookies I carry.....I came across this tree......great way to start an art trip....
Perhaps I am watching too much fantasy TV.....?
The Monster Tree Greets Me With  Smile......or I hope it is a smile.....I didn't stick around.