Friday, December 27, 2013

A few weeks ago we were taking a back highway to our destination when we were stopped for some road construction. At first it seemed rather bothersome because we had been enjoying the vista so much, but then my attitude totally changed. I looked over to see this amazing array of colors in the winter foliage.  My normal personality is to charge forward, but if I had moved on quickly , I would have lost this opportunity.  You do, as they say, have to stop and smell the roses and you will always be rewarded.  One finds art in many forms, if only the eyes remain open, the spirit slows down and the heart accepts the challenge. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am exhausted.  Really thinking of taking a nap or maybe a long hot bath....

Christmas was special this year for I spent lots of time with family and friends.  It is this camaraderie  that makes any holiday a blessing. It is a hoot to listen to the little ones at Christmas and watch them grow with the years and become more aware of their surroundings and the happiness of others.

Each year I give the kids a gift of charity.  This year, since they both play soccer, I gave soccer balls to kids that would otherwise not have them.. Their parents take this time to explain how important it is to give to others that might not have has much opportunity as they do.  They were very proud......

Least this post get too serious....another special moment was when Luna opened her tutu......"It is beautiful!".....could my heart melt anymore? 

The sun is shinning....the hummingbird is peeking in the window... and I am looking forward to my travels to the sun and indulging in the art....

The "Beautiful TuTu"

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Winding down or winding up?

Just a couple days before Christmas and I am feeling rather frazzled.  Of course, aren't we all, but just doesn't seem like the time of year to be learning how to create a blog.....this isn't the first time that I have said those very words, or similar , to myself.  I seem to thrive in chaos....having said that, I wonder if most artist feel the same way?  If my heels are spinning and my hair afire, then I am accomplishing something...ha, or so I think.

My father use to say......"will you sit down"
My deceased husband use to say....."do you ever sit down"
My new friend says.............."you never sit down"

Observant men in my life. 

So, I added some blogs to follow today and you will see them on my page....another milestone.....must seem simple to you seasoned bloggers, but each step has been a baby step for giant leaps here. 

On top of it all....I try to prepare for being away for four taxes...geez!

Thank goodness that I have someone house-sitting for last worry....for sure....
Soon I will be doing this, but of course after a hard day of painting and taking where is that Pina Colada?Winding down or winding up?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Since I am thinking of selling this big old house , I decided to toss a little holiday gathering.  I love playing with the house: setting the table, stringing the lights,  preparing the food, but mostly letting my friends meet and great. I am blessed with a diverse group of people that enrich my life beyond my wildest dreams. Everything was going great and then I hit a puddle of water on the floor and........
being the drama queen that I am , I took a big tumble on the kitchen floor!  After everyone decided that the two hematoma's on my head were not life threatening, they started to rate the fall.....umm, happy to say that I got a few ten's.  Perhaps it is time to hang up the high heels...dang!!!

The theme was to bring your favorite "wine find"....something you enjoy that cost under $10.00 and , of course, your favorite holiday treat that you never, ever indulge, except for special events.  Wow, found some great wines, and, needless to say, some great yummy treats.

Parties are tons of work, but always worth the reward in the end....tumble or not......
Just a few of the wine finds from friends.
We discovered some that will rapidly become our favorites.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

More doors of Mexico

Beautiful tree in one of the hotels

Friday, December 6, 2013

Before I left the lake, I spent a few hours collecting driftwood and pinecones.  I wasn't sure what I was going to do with these gifts from nature, but wanted to bring a bit of their beauty to my Christmas decorating. Little my little I am digging into my stash and creating some fun rustic sciences...not your typical decorating, but anew twist with a lot of texture,  and I am loving it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

  1. Painting Doors of Mexico.......................................
Without a doubt, I find the walls in Mexico most intriguing.  I love the colors, the texture and , yes, the deterioration, because it creates animation in my paintings.  To further enhance the beauty of these walls are astonishing vines that have been growing for decades and lend a sense of gentleness to the otherwise harsh environments. How could one not desire to capture this with the photo lens, but also with one's own sense of style and color.  Traveling light doesn't afford me the opportunity to carry many tools of my trade, but I am never without my journal and watercolors....they can fit in any Bag!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Old Doors of Mexico

Following the doors in of my favorites past-times on Sunday afternoon is to stroll the streets of old Mexico and take pictures of the architecture and doors.

In the next few months we will be taking the walks together.  I will share with you my observations and insights into the buildings and often the art that transpires from these walks.

Please come along on this journey with me....step by step...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Intro to traveling for art...

Soul Food: Nourishing the Soul Through the Arts

For most of my life I have been involved in the arts.  It all began with scribbling on the walls. I remember well the colored pencils being removed from my possession because of the flower on the wall,  but I suffered the consequences because I knew I had created a masterpiece! Before I hit my teens, I would sit at the movies on a Sunday afternoon and sketch the clothing of the beautiful women on the screen. Later I would  design and constructed my own clothing .  In puberty , as a  mournful teenager ------ full of pain and suffering , I took to writing.  Using paper and pencil, and a heart full of drama, I spent many hours in my room writing and sketching.
Each of these incidences, loosing myself in an art form, has fed my soul, seeded ideas and nourished me. The arts have provided a vehicle for moving through some of life's greatest joys and sorrows. I often find myself lost in a painting, a book, or a sunset and come out the other end a better person.
Several years ago I lived abroad .   Even though the  three years in England were an amazing gift,   it was a difficult move away from family, friends and my businesses.  Remembering my past  I took to paper and pencil  and moved through the tough times by writing and painting.   I had lost this love of art in my everyday life, but discovered it again as I pursued a certificate in watercolor to teach others this old English art form.   I spent much time  searching  out galleries and show openings to hone my new love.  Looking at art with a fresh eye , I found peace and reconciliation with my new life, but mostly I found my love of the arts had grown.  I found inspiration  in the painting of a great master,  in a child's first attempt to draw or in  any student realizing they had just created their own masterpiece.  I was fortunate to have an amazing teacher and I will never forget the day that I said....."I get it".  As time past. I found myself healing through the arts and found my soul nourished .  Little did I know that these lessons would help me get through a future tragedy. 
Today I walked through the town of Chelan and felt the quietness, but I also saw the color of the leaves, the sculptures that make us think and laugh, and the murals that share the past of our ancestors.  I felt privileged to be living in this community, but I also felt a hunger to know more. We are fortunate to live in  a place that treasures art.   What can we reap from the art and events that celebrate the soul of this community? I want to  share that love of this town with you and , also, my adventures on the road.
As I pack my bags to hit the road for sun and adventure, I will keep in touch with the arts in Chelan, but I will also hit art shows, gallery walks, music venues, craft shows and maybe a roadside attraction or two and share all my experiences with you.
I hope that I can feed and nourish YOUR  soul during the long winter months ahead.
Here's to a hearty appetite of art coming your way.