Sunday, February 9, 2014

February,First Friday Art Walk.....


It is always a treat to watch the sun set in Mazatlan. For the most part we get cloudless, blue skies so often we get the chance to watch the "green flash".  Locals and tourist alike perch on seawalls, gather in cafe's or just stop on the Malacon,  to watch another day laid to rest. Applause and cheers often follow the setting sun.......I wonder if we are thanking the Gods for another beautiful day or just for making it through another matter, it is always a joy.

First Friday Art Walk in El Centro (old Mazatlan), is always an adventure, but sometimes we get an unexpected treat. Last night ,as we watched the setting sun, we heard fireworks off in the distance...not a particular odd occurrence here.....but as they came closer, they began to battle for our attention. Music was blaring, horns were tooting, crackers are popping and beautiful senorita's came rolling by on all matter of transportation. .....candidates for Mardi Gras waved from Pulmania's to Arriga's while energetic youth danced in the streets to Bando music. Ah, the beginning of Mardi Gras.  (you will get more on this later)

Many Gringa's and Grigo's have moved to Mazatlan, brought their amazing artistic talents as well as their ability to restore some of the incredible homes in old town.   We feel honored to be able to stroll through their homes/studios , chat with the artist, drink wine and become a part of this amazing community. One of my favorite homes is that of David and Nan Robb. They moved here from Arizona, bought a home, renovated it and never looked back.  Their art is astounding and their home is amazing. I can just see myself taking a dip in the pool after a hard day of painting.....sigh....
As the sunsets, the streets get dark, the art lovers, (full of free wine), stroll the streets, chat about the art and homes, and look forward to another magical night in paradise.......I never miss a one.

I leave you with one more shot of a favorite studio and the atrium that beckons me to sit and enjoy a evening of the music of the frogs and maybe a little Sangria.

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