Sunday, January 11, 2015

Gaining Time?

Time is of the essence here in stops, it rolls into tomorrow, it slows and it lives creatively.  
As life slows, time expands.  All the things become possible here...especially the time for the arts. Why can't I find the same time in the U.S. ?

The first week in Mexico is kind of like going to boot camp...we take to the sidewalks and walk until our legs ache, search the beach for sea glass and check on restaurants that we loved the year before, look for old friends and greet all the vendors that we have befriended in the past. Hugs abound and time seems like it has just disappeared. 

I am settling in now....getting the condo to my liking. Sorting out problems and putting out fires..(after all , we are in Mexico) takes awhile, but suddenly the place feels like home and it becomes our little cozy nest. 

Sunday is a lazy day for us.  We walk to brunch and often walk the beach, but today the tide is high and we are stunned by the damage of the Sept. storm, but with each disaster comes some beauty....buildings in ruins, because of the economy, have a protective cover of Bougainville and damaged walls from the storm create their own architectural vista's and offer  lazy chats with the locals over the power of water.

I promise myself to get out the art soon....manana....

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