Thursday, September 3, 2020

Step into the zone.

 I normally find myself in the studio diffusing myself in the depths of water and paint.  There has always been something soothing about watching the water take control of the painting and eagerly anticipating the results. Many artist struggle with loosing control in this way, but I find it fun and anticipatory. ,Of course, this year is a bit different what with the Pandemic and the upheaval politically and socially around the world, so my normal prescription for escaping has just not worked. I find myself churning and seeking answers for  things that seem unanswerable. 

Like most of you, I have spent the summer inside, forgoing adventures with friends and family;turning a normal friendly personality into a bit of an "Oscar the Grouch". My normal state of writing and painting just hasn't been that cathartic, well, until the past couple of weeks when I went into the studio, pulled out my acrylic paints and slammed some paint on a canvas.  It has been years since I stepped away from water color and I have to admit it felt so good to just let loose with color and let my mind wonder.  

I have now created a number of paintings in the past few days.  I stepped away from myself and really let go of emotions and anger and certainly felt good.....and I'm pretty pleased with the results. 

If your feeling out of sorts, perhaps you should get out of the comfort zone and try something new. It sure worked for me.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Glimmer of Hope

I've been thinking a lot because there isn't much else to do besides watch endless movies and series.  I think of my life and how fortunate it has been to travel,immerse myself in different cultures and explore the possibilities of another life......not to mention the taste and texture of foods from other worlds. I have been fortunate to expand my horizons and grow with the knowledge that the more different we are; the more we are the same. I've reached out my hand to young and old and felt the touch of their lives enrich me beyond belief.  I've lost myself in their art and saw depth of character that no words could express. 

We now sit in the depths of sorrow and despair, but I still see a glimmer of hope in the rising and setting sun and the eyes of innocent children. They are our hope. The rising sun because we are lucky to see it greet us to know that we have another day to grow and learn. The setting sun because it gave us another beautiful day to participate. The children because we can watch them bounce along to a drum that sees life and love with each step.  They are truly our hope and we must protect them at all cost.  

For many years I have taught art to young people of all ages and they give me life lessons each time. Some refuse to budge from their own dreams and follow their path to their vision.  Some take hesitant   baby steps to their finished product.  Each method takes me along on a journey of joy and also redemption from all my mistakes and mishaps along the way.  I see myself in each method.   I miss teaching them this year of Covid. I look forward to doing so in the future of a healthier and happier union for all. 

It is hard to write these days and harder yet to stay positive, but I must and we must.  I still have to share my adventures with you about my trip last year from Singapore to Dubai.  I still float on those memories.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Art in the Time of Pandemic

In times of crisis I tend to look toward the optimistic. Hey, this gives me the opportunity to accomplish so very much...why I will paint, and write that cookbook, and clean the attic, (so to speak), but it isn't long before inertia sets in and I can't remember what I was going to do today, let alone what projects I had in mind.

So, here we all sit five months into a Pandemic with no ending in sight.  It has been an amazing roller-coaster of a ride in all our lifestyles, in the medical fields and mostly in politics.  The protocol, or lack thereof, has driven friends and family apart and created a divide in the United States, like none since the civil war, in fact it feels like a war.

My community of artist, and their ability to create, has been all over the board.  Some have been so prolific that I am green with envy, but many, like myself feel that all creative forces have been driven from our soul. I stare unblinking at the canvas and try to will the drive to paint.  I sit at the computer and wonder where the words went and try to regurgitate some thoughts. I know it is all in there deep in my soul, but somehow it is like it is afraid to come out and face the virus.

Today, my friend, that lost her husband in the not too distant past, started a new blog,,, check it out.  She is a great writer and will take you on her journey of rediscover. I've been there and know how important it is to spill your guts and let our the agony.

I figure that if Candice can do it, well, so can I take a few minutes now and then to express myself. Maybe feel a bit guilty about not producing some art, of some kind. On second thought, I haven't been totally idle. I have spent lots of  time and energy  redoing showers and decorating my little house at the lake.  I figure I might as well spend my money on something....can't shop, can't dine out, can't travel....but I can search the web......

Stay tuned for updates, I hope, maybe some art again.....I did manage this one little door one day...

Stay safe and stay healthy.